Link to us !

Do you like our site? Are you the owner/webmaster of a wesite related to online gaming, or do you have a personal homepage? You can tell your visitors about our site by adding a link to us on you own site. Several possibilities are available, from text links to buttons and banners. Just follow the instructions below.
Of course, if you want us to place a link to you on our site, just fill in this form and we will be glad to add it.

  • Text links

    To add a text link, copy the HTML below and paste it into your page, using a HTML editor or a simple text editor:

    <A HREF="">Free Online Multiplayer Interactive Games</A>: a directory of Free multi-player games you can play in your Web browser. No download or plug-ins required, nothing to install. Play free, play now!

    It will look like this:

    Free Online Multiplayer Interactive Games: a directory of Free multi-player games you can play in your Web browser. No download or plug-ins required, nothing to install. Play free, play now!

    The description is provided as an example and you are free to change it, as long as you mention that all the games on our site are free, multi-player and require only a web browser to play.

  • Buttons

    Our buttons have the standard 88 x 31 size. You can choose to add an animated button or a static button.

    Static button :

    To place it on your site you'll have to do the following (please DO NOT try to link the image directly from our server, it will not work anyway):
    - Right-click (on a Mac, hold the 'Control' key down and click) the button above and select 'save image as...'
    - Save the image on your computer without changing its name (bustat01.gif).
    - Copy the code below and paste it into your page using a HTML editor or a simple text editor. Important: replace YOUR_URL with the URL (Internet address) of your own site, otherwise the button will not appear correctly.

    <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="http://YOUR_URL/bustat01.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=31 ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE></A>

    - Upload your modified page and the button .gif image to your server.

    Animated button :

    To place it on your site you'll have to do the following (please DO NOT try to link the image directly from our server, it will not work anyway):
    - Right-click (on a Mac, hold the 'Control' key down and click) the button above and select 'save image as...'
    - Save the image on your computer without changing its name (buani02.gif).
    - Copy the code below and paste it into your page using a HTML editor or a simple text editor. Important: replace YOUR_URL with the URL (Internet address) of your own site, otherwise the button will not appear correctly.

    <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="http://YOUR_URL/buani02.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=31 ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE></A>

    - Upload your modified page and the button .gif image to your server.

  • Banners

    Small banner (400 X 40) :

    To place it on your site you'll have to do the following (please DO NOT try to link the image directly from our server, it will not work anyway):
    - Right-click (on a Mac, hold the 'Control' key down and click) the banner above and select 'save image as...'
    - Save the image on your computer without changing its name (MedBannG.gif).
    - Copy the code below and paste it into your page using a HTML editor or a simple text editor. Important: replace YOUR_URL with the URL (Internet address) of your own site, otherwise the banner will not appear correctly.


    - Upload your modified page and the banner .gif image to your server.

    standard size banner (468 X 60):

    To place it on your site you'll have to do the following (please DO NOT try to link the image directly from our server, it will not work anyway):
    - Right-click (on a Mac, hold the 'Control' key down and click) the banner above and select 'save image as...'
    - Save the image on your computer without changing its name (BigBannG.gif).
    - Copy the code below and paste it into your page using a HTML editor or a simple text editor. Important: replace YOUR_URL with the URL (Internet address) of your own site, otherwise the banner will not appear correctly.


    - Upload your modified page and the banner .gif image to your server.

If you experience problems placing those links into your pages feel free to contact us for help.

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